Supergirl Melissa Benoist is Super Big Tits Girl

Another great set of morphs featuring Supergirl Melissa Benoist as Super Big Tits Girl.

Reporter:”Hey Kara, have you heard of this new hero called Power Girl? She’s amazing! I wonder what ever happened to Supergirl, though.”
Kara: “Well, I heard that Metallo attacked her with Pink Kryptonite.”
Reporter: “Oh, that’s right! No one’s seen her since. I hope she’s alright.”
Kara: “I heard she’s doing just fine. What Metallo did to her just forced her to… grow up. I have a feeling Power Girl is here to stay though.”

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4 Responses

  1. BoobCeleb Master says:

    Sorry, I’m having problems with paypal. I’m still trying to figure out an easier way

  2. SuitedPanda says:

    idk if you’ll see this, but i’m having trouble using PayPal to subscribe to you. i definitely want to but for some reason i can’t. would it be possible to add another payment method to subscribe? if there is, take your time (or feel free not to, it’s not really your problem)
    -big fan

  3. Adam says:

    Such an improvement, love her and Chyler in it.

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